Free Dental Day

Free Dental Day 12/2/2022

Free dental day was a success Last Friday, the local community came together to provide free dental care to those in need. The event, known as Free Dental Day, was organized by Dr. Ammar Mousa and Associates. The event provided free cleaning, x-rays, fillings, and extractions to large amount of individuals. We had a large amount of dentists, hygienists, assistants, and volunteers came together to provide their services during the event. The day began at 8 a.m. at Villages Smiles with a large line of individuals waiting to receive care. Throughout the day, the volunteers worked tirelessly to provide care to as many people as possible. At the end of the day, all of the volunteers and patients were happy with the results. The volunteer dentists reported that the patients were in great need of dental care and that many of them had not seen a dentist in a long time. The event provided not only free care, but also a chance for the volunteers to connect with the patients and provide them with valuable dental health education. The Free Dental Day was a success. Thank you for everyone that participated.

%Dentist Villages Smiles%

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